Magic mushrooms are the worlds natural gift for curing depression, anxiety, PTSD and even addiction. But…
Top 10 Different Types of Psychedelic Mushrooms: Psilocybin and Magic Mushrooms Species

There are over 180 types of magic mushrooms varieties all with different potency levels (some 12x more than others) in different habitats throughout the world.
All the types of magic mushrooms have different levels of active ingredients which include psilocybin, psilocin and baeocystin. It is important to understand the levels in the mushroom that you choose to consume because different types of psychedelic mushrooms can be 12x more potent than others.
Psilocin is the psychoactive metabolite of psilocybin and baeocystin is a psilocybin derivative or analog. When psilocybin is eaten it is converted to psilocin which is what causes the psychedelic effect. Baeocystin acts similar to psilocin.
Essentially, we must take into account all three since adding them all up will reveal the mushroom’s overall level of psychedelic power.
Species of Magic Mushrooms
There are more than 180 species of hallucinogenic mushrooms in the world with new species being discovered all the time. One of the biggest telling points of whether a mushroom contains psilcoybin or not is if it bruises a bluish color caused by psilocin activity within it.
If it bruises blue to almost black in color and has a spore print that is between a purple-brown to rusty-brown color then you can be almost certain that you have found a psilocybin mushroom.
Please understand that the potency levels listed below are based on the measurement of one specific mushroom and that every mushroom will vary in potency up or down by 1% or more. This chart and potency levels are to give you an idea in general about where that mushroom should generally be in regards to potency compared to other mushrooms.
While the Psilocybe Cubensis tends to be the most popular, below is a break down of top 10 Psilocybe mushrooms ranked by potency:
Different Types of Psychedelic (Psilocybin) Mushrooms
– All data below is based on dry weight of the mushrooms –
1) Flying Saucer Mushroom (Psilocybe Azurescens)
The most potent Psilocybe mushroom of all and can be found growing in wood chips and sandy soils with a strong affection to dune grass. It has been reported to be found in the United States (Oregon, California, New Mexico, Wisconsin, Vermont and Ohio) and Germany (Leipzig).
It is brown to a caramel color. The cap is 3 – 10 cm (up to 4 inches) wide and 3 – 6 mm thick in the center. It has a conic shape and is surrounded by a thin gelatinous skin that can be separated from the rest of the cap. Because it contains the most psiloybin, it bruises extremely dark blue to almost black.
The stem is usually 90 – 200 mm (3.5 to 8 inches) long by 3 – 6 mm thick. The spore print is dark purplish brown to purplish black.
Psilocybin: 1.78%
Psilocin: .38%
Baeocystin: .35%
Total Potency: 2.51%
Potency per 1 gram: 25 mg
2) Knobby Tops (Psilocybe Baeocystis)
This mushroom can be found growing in mulch, wood chips or the lawn with a strong affection towards the bark of Douglas firs. It was first reported in Oregon but is common among the Pacific northwest.
The cap is 1.5 – 5.5 cm (up to 2 inches) broad and conic in shape. It is dark olive brown to buff brown and occasionally steel blue but becomes copper brown in the center when drying. The surface appears gelatinous, with a separable gelatinous pellicle.
The stem is usually 50-70 mm (about 2 to 3 inches) long by 2-3 mm thick. The spore print is purplish brown.
Psilocybin: .85%
Psilocin: .59%
Baeocystin: .10%
Total Potency: 1.54%
Potency per 1 gram: 15 mg
3) The Bohemian Psilocybe (Psilocybe Bohemica)
Can be found in central Europe in the autumn, growing on woody debris and having a strong preference for Betula, Carpinus, Alnus, and Piceae trees.
The cap is 1 – 4 cm (up to 1.5 inches) wide and conic in shape but as it ages will be plane to convex in shape. It is clay brown to dingy orange brown in color and gets lighter towards the outside. It does not have a separable gelatinous pellicle.
It’s spore print is grayish purple brown. It’s stem is 20 – 60 mm (1 to 2 inches) long by 2 – 5 mm thick.
Psilocybin: 1.34%
Psilocin: .11%
Baeocystin: .02%
Total Potency: 1.47%
Potency per 1 gram: 15 mg
4) Liberty Cap (Psilocybe Semilanceata)
Typically found in the fall in pastures, fields, lawns or grassy areas especially areas grazed by sheep and cows. It has been reported to be found on the west coast of the United States. I has also been spotted in New York, Europe (France, Holland, Italy, Norway, and Switzerland), South Africa, Chile, Northern India, Australia, and Tasmania.
It’s cap is .5 – 2.5 cm (up to an inch) wide and conic in shape. It is usually a dark chestnut brown color when moist and a light tan to yellow when dry and can have an olive tint. It does have a separable gelatinous pellicle.
The spore print is dark purplish brown. The stem is 40 – 100 mm (1.5 to 4 inches) long by .75 – 2 mm thick.
Psilocybin: .98%
Psilocin: .02%
Baeocystin: .36%
Total Potency: 1.36%
Potency per 1 gram: 14 mg
5) Golden Caps (Psilocybe Cubensis)
Due to it being the most popular mushroom for people to buy online I decided to give the cubensis it’s whole own article with the top 10 different strains to buy:
It is the most common magical mushroom, and you can find it in the spring, summer, and fall (in the southern United States, May and June are the best months to pick them, but they can be found up until January) growing mostly out of the poop of cattle, horses, or elephants, or in grounds rich in this manure.
This one can be found in the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Central America, northern South America, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Australia.
The cap is 1.5 – 8 cm (up to 3 inches) wide and is conic to bell like in shape while young and eventually being convex to flat with age. It is usually a reddish cinnamon brown color while young and then becoming more golden brown to pale yellow or nearly white with age with the center region (umbo) being more darker cinnamon brown.
It’s spore print is dark purplish brown and it’s stem is 40 – 150 mm (up to 6 inches) long by 5 – 15 mm thick.
Psilocybin: .63%
Psilocin: .60%
Baeocystin: .025%
Total Potency: 1.26%
Potency per 1 gram: 13 mg
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6) Wavy Caps (Psilocybe Cyanescens)
This mushroom grows in fields that are rich in rotting wood, wood chips, and sawdust. In the fall and early winter, you’ll most likely see it on the edges of lawns, paths, or heavily mulched rose gardens. It has been seen in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States (from San Francisco to southern Alaska).
The cap is 2 – 4 cm (up to 1.5 inches) wide and is wavy. It is a chestnut brown while young and becomes more caramel with age while turning to a dark yellowish brown when dying. It sometimes has a separable gelatinous pellicle.
The spore print is dark purplish brown and the stem is 20 – 80 mm (up to 3 inches) long by 2.5 – 5 mm thick.
Psilocybin: .85%
Psilocin: .36%
Baeocystin: .03%
Total Potency: 1.24%
Potency per 1 gram: 12 mg
7) Psilocybe Tampanensis
Reported to be seen in Florida and Mississippi in the fall and has only been captured in the wild a handful of times.
The cap is 1 – 2.4 cm (up to 1 inch) wide. It’s convex when young and then turning to plane with age. It is brown to straw brown and will fade to a light straw or yellowish grey.
The spore print is purplish brown and the stem is 20 – 60 mm (up to 2.5 inches) long by 1 – 2 mm thick.
Psilocybin: .68%
Psilocin: .32%
Baeocystin: N/A
Total Potency: 1.00%
Potency per 1 gram: 10 mg
8) Psilocybe Weilii
In Georgia, it is available from September to November. It grows in red clay soil with a thin layer of pine needles on top.
The cap is 2 – 6 mm wide and is conic with an inrolled end when young. Then it will be incurved and expanding to almost plane with age. It is a dark chestnut brown to oliveaceous brown with blackish brown zones around the ends. It will fade to light brown when dying. It’s flesh is 3 – 4 mm thick.
It is spore print is dark violet grayish black. It’s stem is 25 – 70 mm (up to 2.7 inches) long by 4 – 8 mm thick.
Psilocybin: .61%
Psilocin: .27%
Baeocystin: .05%
Total Potency: 0.93%
Potency per 1 gram: 9 mg
9) Little Birds of the Woods (Psilocybe Hoogshagenii)
This magic mushroom likes to live in muddy clay soils on coffee plantations. It is found from June to July in Mexico and in February in Argentina. It has also been seen in Brazil and Columbia.
The cap is 1 – 2.5 cm (up to 1 inch) wide. It’s conic in shape with an acute, extended papilla (up to 4 mm long) in the center. The color is reddish brown to orangish brown to yellowish while fading to straw colored with age.
The spore print is dark purplish brown. The stem is 50 – 90 mm (up to 3.5 inches) long by 1 – 3 mm thick.
Psilocybin: .60%
Psilocin: .10%
Baeocystin: N/A
Total Potency: 0.70%
Potency per 1 gram: 7 mg
10) Blue Ringers (Psilocybe Stuntzii)
You can find this one growing in clusters on wood chips, soil rich in woody debri, newly placed lawns and fields, along roads/paths and in gardens. Typically found in early winter and in the spring and has been spotted in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.
The cap is 1.5 – 5 cm wide and conic at first. It expand convex and almost plane with age. The cap is a dark chestnut brown and lighter toward the edges which appears as olive greenish. Later it will fade to a more yellowish brown to pale yellow with age.
The spore print is dark purplish grayish brown. The stem is 30 – 60 mm (up to 2.3 inches) long by 2 – 4 mm thick.
Psilocybin: .36%
Psilocin: .12%
Baeocystin: .02%
Total Potency: 0.50%
Potency per 1 gram: 5 mg
We only scratched the surface on the different types of magic mushrooms that you could run into in the wild. If you want a more extensive guide on all the different types of magic mushrooms that contain psilocybin then check out Paul Stamets book called Psilocybin Mushroom of the World (most of the material in this article came from his book):
In that book he also talks about the two deadly look-a-likes called the ‘Singer’ (Pholiotina filaris) and the ‘Smith and Singer’ (Galerina autumnalis).
That book really is a must have list of magic mushrooms if you are interested in hunting for wild ones.
Additionally, if you would like to learn more about how to take a proper dosage based on the potency, then I recommend this article:
Also here is an article on the health benefits of magic mushrooms:
And here is an article on the short term and long term side effects of magic mushrooms:
The biggest thing to get from this article is that there are a many different types of magic mushrooms out there and they all have different potency levels. So be sure you understand that based on the dosage that you will be taking because 5 grams of one could be 12x more potent than another.
Legal Disclaimer
Psilocybin remains illegal under federal law in the United States. We do not advocate for, endorse, or intend for this report to be used to violate federal law.
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The following presentations contain images/videos that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click the links below to see the full list of images/videos and attributions:
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This mushroom (magical) is valued by myself. Being an older person and enjoying them is great. Thanks.
Thank you for your continued support.
Is there a spore source available to aid my further research?
Hi Philippe,
Please check out our article below:
It contains links to a supplier that ships worldwide.
That was a great read with a lot of different information thanks for sharing your information and all the time you have done researching it .M.F
I washed your promotional video that was posted on Facebook and I am very interested in purchasing the kit advertised. I am especially interested in lion’s mane and Psilocybe Azurescens. I am disabled with a few medical conditions, and I just turned 65 years old. My memory is not quite what it used to be, and I am buying host defense Lions main capsules whenever I can afford it. It is difficult for me to get out to the Oregon coast to collect Azzys.
Psilocybe Azurescens we’re very helpful when I went into a hopeless depression a year after my wife died in 2013. I still suffer with occasional depression and anxiety, and I am taking some pharmaceutical meds which are helping. I know from experience I will do much better with the mushrooms. In the recent election earlier this month much was decriminalized, and psilocybin therapy was approved.
I took a look at your site and didn’t see prices of the actual spores. I am thinking I might have access to them after I buy the kit, and I am waiting for my disability check from social security in a few days. that stimulus check could really help out right now! You are offering a very reasonable price, but I just don’t have the money today. I hope that it will still be available on the 3rd of the month (December 2020). I am very excited about this, and I want to order from you as soon as possible. One last thing is I would like to know the approximate cost of the spores that I mentioned.
I wish you much success in your business, and all the best in 2021.
John Manrow
Sherwood, Oregon
Hi John,
Lion’s Mane should cost around $15 (however it is free if you buy our kit) but since the Azurescens is an exotic mushroom it will cost about double.
Thanks for this sir, I’m interested in buying more psilocybin related books and if I can get psilocybin mushrooms spores for growing myself. That would be great. Thanks again. Your friend Doug.
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I like Thai one
Hey there.
I am looking for a full kit to grow some psilasybes with no guess work.
The whole kit and I mean from spores to gloves and all in between.
Please help me I have had a gutful of looking here.
I find some just not enough to microdose for longer than a new days.
The bushfires we had here really destroyed the land so bad and a lot of mycillium was killed so have to recolonize and we have not had too much rain.
So I am stuck with the grass psilasybes and paneolus and gymopulus but they are too infrequently found.
I would make it all myself but I don’t have the time or money at the moment.
There must be full kits available just like normal mushrooms.
Thanks dennis lee.
Batemans bay Australia.
Please add pdf, other document to dowload
I received my grow bags but no 💉 or spores I ordered ?
Hi, Mike. You may reach out to our Customer Support team at to get order updates. 🙂
[…] by over 200 fungal species. It is a hallucinogenic substance that can be obtained from different types of psychedelic magic mushrooms in varying doses. These mushrooms are native to South America, Mexico, and the United States’ […]
[…] 200 fungal species. It is a hallucinogenic substance that may be obtained from totally different varieties of psychedelic magic mushrooms in various doses. These mushrooms are native to South America, Mexico, and the United States’ […]
Do you grow your magic mushrooms or can they be purchased.
Thank you
Hi, Linda. In most states, it is legal to purchase mushroom spores for “microscopy purposes” or for “studying under a microscope” because spores don’t contain any illegal psychoactive compounds.
Can I purchase magic mushroom spores online?
Hello, Adam. If you’re interested in studying mushroom spores under a microscope, you may get your supply in the link below.
Spore Syringes with Mycology Guide:
You may also watch our weekly live Q&A sessions on our Fb page. Feel free to follow us at:
Mush love.
[…] a massive diversity of fungi, and many contain compounds that are hard to find anywhere else. Different types of magic mushrooms contain fascinating compounds like psilocybin at varying levels. The body metabolizes this as […]
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